Interview: Alfie Rustom, writer, The Bioman Chronicles.


Art For Progress sits down with creative mastermind Alfie Rustom to learn more about his debut novel: The Bioman™ Chronicles: #2084 (Book 1).  Learn more at

Do you see yourself in this imaginary character?

Yes, I see myself in this character. But, I also see every other post-modern human in this character, too. Culturally, we have forgotten our connection to nature. Bioman is designed to help us reconnect with our own miraculous biology and remember our intimate connection and oneness with nature.

What are Bioman’s best traits as a super hero?

At first glance, Bioman can appear serious, formal, and proper.  He loves traditions and old-school values that uphold patience, hard work, honor, and social and cultural responsibility.

In #2084 story, he begins as a ‘norm’ who has been programmed to dislikes difference but then slowly loosens up and learns to embrace and celebrate his ‘anomalous’ self and diversity in others.  Although, this is a constant struggle for him.

Does Bioman fit in with the other marvel comic superheros or is Bioman standing alone in his quest?

Bioman offers an alternative to Marvel/DC’s duopoly on superheroes designed for needs of the last century.  Bioman is designed specifically for the concerns/aspirations of the 21st century.

Millennials, in particular, know they have inherited an eco-system and political economy that was created by the excesses and eco-ignorance of baby boomers. They are seeing their children being programmed by media, consumed by technology and threatened by faceless terrorist hordes.

The constant worrying about the kind of planet their children will inherit leads them to feel helpless. The Bioman experience is designed to change all that. The franchise will allow parents and their children to explore, evolve and expand what it means to be human, encouraging them to reconnect with their biological-selves and reclaim their place in the cosmic order of things and gain the courage to take effective action to defend nature.

What would you say are the most important goals for this project?

Bioman’s explorations of science, technology, and consciousness will attract audiences worldwide who long to deepen their connection with nature, with each other and who want technology to be used for human as well as planetary well-being.

Who are some key people working with you on this project? Are there any names people will/should know?

I’m currently in development of a short animation with an upcoming studio. I’m in dialogue with some legends from the superhero business including a former CEO of Marvel.

Tell us about your plans for the film? Do you have a date in mind for the film release?

The live action movie has been budgeted/scheduled with an Oscar winning team.  The epic budget means I will develop an anime for theatrical release, first. A successful anime should attract a large enough studio to partner on the project.

Do you have any upcoming events or any recent events to share regarding this project?

I’m fairly active on social media – @RealBioman (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), and will be planning more events as the fan-base for Bioman grows.

What inspired you to become a writer?

I arrived in NYC a few days prior to 9/11, and experienced the horror of ground zero at first hand. Shortly after, I developed a passion for screenwriting from a screenwriter who was also the daughter of legendary the playwright of The Elephant Man. She helped me realized that stories have the power to transform how we see the world.

What does the phrase Art for Progress mean to you?

In my current view, art that’s not for progress is not real art.  Now, more than ever, we need art to take a stand against the tyrannical forces vying for domination.
