Featured Artist: Juan Manuel Parajes


Featured in one of our  “Art in the Morning” segments, we are highlighting Juan Manuel Parajes again, but digging a little deeper into this street collage artist.

What best describes his artwork:

Unfinished geometric elements, lines intercrossed towards the infinite… All suspended, floating, in a ground swell of manifold and solid colors…Everything, as a whole, in constant movement, but also suspended in the air…

Juan Manuel Parajes uses layers of iconic images–the late Steve Jobs, Jimi Hendrix, Malcolm X, among other visuals stimulants–creating a classic artwork, knowingly or unknowingly. His artwork has been shown at Christies Gallery in Paris, France to Villa de Arte Gallery in Barcelona, Spain, claiming an international presence. There’s something always alluring about street art. Maybe it’s the beauty of the unexpected. The unexpected location (outside of museum or gallery spaces) and message. Parajes manages to harness this complexity.

Want to view more of Parajes’ artwork? Click here.

-Heather Liggins


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Art For Progress' Arts Education Community provides underserved youth with dynamic artistic programming that promotes reflection and self-expression. By connecting youth with working artists, their communities and each other, we hope to transform the way they see themselves and the world around them.
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