Tags archives: motherhood

  • My cousin, Carmela Cirilli Mattson, is a real food chef, teaching probiotic workshops, near her home in New York's Hudson Valley  selling cultures for kefir, kombucha and more, and creating delicious Paleo meals for delivery. Lacto-Fermentation Workshop Carmela loves the magic that happens with fermented foods---watching raw ingredients transform into amazing, flavorful food is adventurous and fun for her.   Sourdough Starter But, as she stands committed to reviving "the lost cultured food traditions," sharing her "knowledge to help build a strong real food community," she's also doing it nine months pregnant, simultaneously minding a three-year-old daughter. Yikes!   Ladybug Apple Snack "Juggling work while parenting hasn't been easy," she shares, including her daughter in her kitchen adventures, teaching her healthy eating habits. "It's been tough working with ferments during pregnancy because I had terrible nausea for the first two trimesters;" Carmela admits. "I had to put my ferments on hold because I couldn't tolerate the smell and taste." Some "Kombucha" Humor  Luckily, she won't have long to wait before jumping back into fermented foods. Kefir Milk and Kombucha In the meantime, she and her filmmaker husband, Tim, are busy preparing for a new addition in their household. While on prescribed bed rest, Carmela took some time out to share her three favorite maternity items. Jacqueline Colette Prosper, @yummicoco Deni[...]