Art for Progress Summer Program 2024

Art for Progress (AFP) is set to launch its seventh annual summer program for NYC students in July. The program continues to evolve to address the needs of NYC’s young artists, musicians and designers attending public schools across NYC. 

Funded by The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, the program offers students interested in careers in the arts, and music, summer guidance and instruction. Over the 6-week program, select students will have the opportunity to work closely with professional artists across multiple genres including visual art, fashion design, music, and music production.

The program works with exceptional teachers with vast experience as both professional artists, teachers, and mentors. They bring the perfect balance of leadership and real-world knowledge that young artists desperately need in an increasingly competitive field. Please visit the links below for information on our teachers for 2024.

Visual Arts: Paula Walters Parker, Michael Alan, Fashion Design: Perryn Ford, Music Composition and Production: Ze’ Luis Oliveira, Music: Jerrell Battle

AFP is looking for those special students who are ready to take the next step in becoming a professional artist. We are creating a focused program based on mentorship and instruction, where a small group of students will work closely with professional artists who will guide them and prepare them for their next steps in their career development. Art for Progress is working closely with schools across NYC to identify students who will be a great fit for the program. Former students are also encouraged to apply.   

Beginning the week of July 8th, classes will meet one day per week for five hours a day. The primary program location will be in midtown Manhattan and will take place from 11:00AM – 4:00PM (lunch included).  “Join the Band” will take place on Sundays from 12:00PM-4:00PM at a midtown jazz studio.  Students are also encouraged to sign up for multiple classes. Check back often in the coming weeks for updates.

The Programs for 2024 include:

  • Ableton Live: From Beats to Master: Bring your creativity and productions to the next level.
  • Life Draw with Michael Alan Alien:  An advanced figurative drawing course with artist Michael Alan   
  • Join the Band: Band Dynamics, Song Development & Performance- Singers, guitarists, bass players, drummers, keys. Do you have what it takes to join the band?
  • Art & Design on My Mind with Paula Walters Parker: The five steps of the design thinking strategy and process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test). Create portfolio ready pieces for college admission!
  • In the Studio with Ze’ Luis Oliveira: Composition, Recording and Production with Grammy nominated artist, Ze Luis Oliveira in his studio.
  • Trendsetters Unite: Mastering Fashion Storytelling: Dive deep into the fashion scene- Get hands-on at garment factories, fabric stores, and fashion hubs while mastering visual merchandising and brand storytelling. Cap it off by crafting your own mini capsule collection presentation that screams your style!

LOCATIONS: Visual Arts + Ableton Live: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00AM-4:00PM, Cre8tive NYC- 134 W 29th St Floor 2, New York, NY– Join the Band: Sundays 12:00PM-4:00PM, New York Jazz Workshop- 265 W 37th St 10th floor suite 1004, New York, NY– In the Studio with Ze Luis: TBD 11:00AM-4:00PM, The Atelier Music Studio- 27-28 Thomson Ave Suite WS2, Long Island City, NY

You can apply here: APPLICATION

Contact with questions.